Friday, August 29, 2008

Arse Poetika™

For my poetry class I had to read a poem called "Ars Poetica" by Archibald MacLeish which is a poem about what a poem should be. If we wanted to we could write our own satirical poem about the poem that talks about what a poem should be. The original work can be found in this link: Read he orginal poem first so it makes more sense.

A poem is useless yet invigorates,
like fresh cow manure
to the growing plant.

The words of the poem
buried in the gooey jelly
of a powdered doughnut.

A poem walks aimlessly through time
mocking the Old Man.
Leaving the moon behind
While each night the moon asks
‘Why are you still here?’

A poem should be equal to:
Hell No!!!
For the griever,
the bloody-eyed raven screeching
‘I told you so.’
For the lover,
the skin-enticing leather and the cracking whip.
And the casual onlooker would say,
‘I don’t get it.’

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